Westlake Royal Stone Solutions
Vertical: Building Supplies Manufacturing
What problem were we asked to solve
Though Westlake Royal Stone Solutions (formerly Boral Stone) had existing paid media campaigns, we realized that reporting was lacking and metrics weren’t being captured, so the impact of those efforts (and the ability to learn from them) was being lost.
Our approach
We integrated Google Tag Manager event tracking, setting up goals such as click to call, form fill out, product flier download and find a dealer to create conversion activities to optimize around, and the company was off to the races, both attracting new customers and tracking their behaviors as they moved through the funnel.
The results were astounding
Actual Visits
Cost per physical visit
rate on search
What We Did
- Google Analytics Analysis
- Google Ads Search Campaigns
- Google Display Ad Campaigns
- Digital Design
- Geofencing
Vivid display campaigns, stunning visual creative and powerful Google ads search campaign copy pushed click-through rates to triple and in some cases quadruple. We also managed to track hundreds of conversion activities a month, including clever physical dealer location customer visits from geo ad impressions.
That last part is our favorite: We used Google Analytics and TapClicks dashboard technology in a pretty unique way here, to track campaign performance full-cycle, A/B testing, ad placement to keyword, search ad copy to physical location. And by identifying and following those customers over their journeys, we boosted Westlake’s signal with regional distributors, giving stores the leverage to start beneficial conversations about how products could be featured in retail.
”They came to the table truly prepared. They know our business, they know building products, and they came in approaching it from “here’s what we’ll do for you” rather than just “here’s our capabilities.
Crysta H.